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5 ways spring is a time for new beginnings

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5 ways that Spring is a time for new beginnings by Maxabella

By the end of winter, every mum I know is just about at the end of her rope. The short, dark days, the long, cold nights. In winter, outside time is reduced and we all know how important outside time is to kids (and their mums). The days are so short that by the time you wake up and find your stride, it’s pretty much time to prepare for bed. We comfort eat, we don’t exercise as much, we kind of hate our kids and definitely hate our husbands.

And then comes spring. There’s the waft of a jonquil or freesia that makes our hearts leap a little. Sunshine is coming and with it longer days, water play and hope, sweet hope. Parenting is just so much easier in the warmer months.

I like to take advantage of all the feel-good endorphins that are floating about right now and use the coming of spring for a complete refresh. I renew the promises I made to myself in the new year – all those eat well, exercise more, take time out for me promises – and set to work feeling good about myself. It’s a bit like spring cleaning myself along with the house.

This is not just a ‘good to have’, it’s a must-have. Along with spring comes the start of the year’s busiest period. Before things wind down for the year, they ramp right up. We try to fit in all the catch-ups and parties that we missed during the rest of the year. We are busy thanking those that helped us all year (teachers, day carers, post people, bottle shop owners) and selecting gifts to give those we love to celebrate the year. It’s the season of giving and we so often overlook ourselves, yet again, throughout it all.

5 ways that Spring is a time for new beginnings

So, let’s make the beginning of spring all about ourselves for a change. Here are 5 ways that spring is a time for new beginnings. Indulge yourself this spring in a meaningful, memorable way.

1. Water play is not just for kids

The kids are thrilled to get back into the water as the weather warms up, and we should be too. There is nothing quite as relaxing as floating – all our senses are given over to the water and we can just breathe for a while. Of course, it’s almost impossible to float while the kids are leaping all over us, so try to get away for a swim without them. If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard pool, this will be easy, but if the local pool or a nearby beach beckons, then try to take advantage of early or late opening hours and take a time out just for you.

2. Start a gratitude journal

You’ve probably seen the idea of a gratitude journal here and there all year, but now is the time to actually start one. It’s a very simple thing – take a fresh notebook and write down a few things you are grateful for every day, or every week, or just whenever the mood hits you. Don’t make it a ‘have to’, keep it as a ‘like to’. I simply write down one thing I’m thankful for at the end of most days. Usually just one word, sometimes I elaborate. It helps keep me focused on the good things in life and I know it makes me feel positive and lucky, right before bedtime.

3. Sleep, my pretty, sleep

Speaking of sleep, we know we need to get more of it, but when you’ve got young kids that’s almost impossible. Nights of broken sleep and anxiety about our kids means that most mums sleep with one eye permanently open. I call this ‘twilight sleep’ – you’re almost asleep, but not quite. Call it whatever you like, just know that it completely wrecks a gal. But what to do? Experts suggest the following tips:

  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom – the Sleep Health Foundation found that the blue light emitted by screens keep us from properly switching off at night. If you are in the habit of scrolling right before bed (or even scrolling when you find yourself unable to sleep during the night), now is the time to break the habit. No screens at least 30 minutes before bed should be our new rule.
  • Write down your anxieties – just as gratitude journaling mentioned above helps us stay positive, a ‘before sleep’ journal might help us sleep better. Use the journal to write down all the things that are on your mind. Your brain dump might include things your feel worried about, events you need to plan for and stuff you know you need to do tomorrow. Getting it all out before you sleep is a physical way of saying “this is taken care of today, I will sort it out tomorrow”.
  • Make time for sleep – it’s tempting to burn the midnight oil because if we don’t it feels like we don’t get any time ‘off the clock’. The kids go to bed, we finally get them to sleep and then we only get an hour to ourselves where we are not on call? It doesn’t feel like enough. It’s okay to push the clock sometimes, but if you make it a regular habit, your sleep will suffer and you will suffer along with it. When we are permanently tired, it’s almost impossible to operate

4. Mum-break for a reboot

I know I’m not the only one who barely makes it through winter parenting my cabin-fever kids. My kids need plenty of outdoors time and it just isn’t possible in the colder months, when it’s dark by 5pm. Come spring, I’m climbing the walls as much as the kids.

This leads to a cranky-pants, yelling mum who really needs a break. So, I try to give myself one. I take a couple of days off work and spend the time doing things that I really love to do alone. I do feel a bit guilty for taking up two precious holiday days just for me. I just know how needed it is. If I can swing an overnighter in a nice hotel by myself, all the better. I order room service, watch movies and just wallow in the peace and quiet. It’s a little budget reboot after the drudgery of winter and it makes a massive difference to how I feel.

5. Family reconnection

In contrast to the my mum-break, when spring hits I am also craving some together time with the family. Our winters are sport-heavy. Both Saturday and Sunday taken up with activities. Spring is when it all winds down (thank goodness my kids are not into cricket). Some little days out with the fam is just what we all need. We like to visit an area we’ve never been to before (or an old favourite, we’re not fussy) and go for a lovely long walk. Ah, the perfect way to welcome spring.

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