In this vaporisers and humidifiers comparison, you can find out what the Tell Me Baby community thinks are the top humidifiers and vaporisers on the market.
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"The Medescan rainbow mist humidifier produces its vapour from ultrasound so there are no burns risks from hot water or steam."
"The Medescan rainbow mist humidifier produces its vapour from ultrasound so there are no burns risks from hot water or steam."
"We loveeeeeee this! When our household is sick this little legend runs day and night."
"We loveeeeeee this! When our household is sick this little legend runs day and night."
"Helps the little one breathe easier and clear that stubborn congestion. I find if the whole family is unwell, we will all sleep in the sa..
"Helps the little one breathe easier and clear that stubborn congestion. I find if the whole family is unwell, we will all sleep in the sa..
If you are looking for the best vaporisers and humidifiers for your nursery, use the above vaporisers and humidifiers comparison chart to search by:
Both vaporisers and humidifiers add moisture into the air, increasing the indoor humidity of your home.
According to the National Asthma Council Australia, the optimal indoor humidity is between 30-60%. Dry air, or low humidity, can increase the chance of catching airborne viruses, can irritate nasal passages and airways, and can also exacerbate eczema.
On the other hand, when the air is too moist it can contribute to mould in the home, and provides optimal conditions for dust mites to grow – so it’s important to find the right balance of humidity.
There are actually “hygrometers” which can measure the indoor humidity of your home that can make finding that balance a little easier!
Essentially, humidifiers are cold and vaporisers are hot.
Humidifiers generally spray a fine, cool mist to increase the moisture in the air, whereas vaporisers boil small amounts of water over a hot element to create hot steam.
Humidifiers are cold, so there is no risk of burns. They may be more suitable for warmer weather as you’re not adding any heat into the air. Also they don’t have to warm up, so they start working the moment you switch them on.
One downside is that humidifiers need to be cleaned thoroughly and often, because they are more prone to contamination in the water, and can contribute mould and bacteria to the air.
Vaporisers work by boiling water to create steam, so the moisture they add to the air is going to be more or less sterile. You do still need to clean your vaporiser regularly – and be aware that increasing moisture in the air can still contribute to mould growth.
The hot water also means that vaporisers come with the risk of burns. They need to be kept well out of reach of children.
There are a huge range of humidifiers and vaporisers available, and some offer other features, such as the option to disperse essential oils, or products like Vicks and Euky Bear that might help your baby breathe easier when they have a cough or cold. Some have timers so you can set them to turn off after a period of time, and there are also humidifiers and vaporisers that double as a night light for your little one.
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