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5 breastfeeding essentials for new mums

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By Fi Morrison

Before I became a mother, I hadn’t given much thought to how I’d be feeding my baby. I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I assumed I’d breastfeed. I didn’t consider for how long or how it would all work.

So when the time did come I started reading the baby books and Googling all the mum things! I ran around in a mad panic trying to decide what I actually needed for this baby.

Friends asked me what I wanted for my baby shower and a few bought my breastfeeding accessories (which turned out to be super thankful, thank you!). To be honest though, I had absolutely no clue what I needed until after I had my son and started breastfeeding him.

So here is my list of the 5 breastfeeding essentials I have used in feeding my son (10 months and still going). I hope they are helpful for you as well.

5 breastfeeding essentials for new mums

1. Nursing pillow

I know some mummas may not find a breastfeeding/nursing pillow essential, however for me it has made a huge difference. With my son piling on weight very quickly and becoming a heavy boy (still to this day!), it became really hard for me to cradle him in my arms and support him enough to feed effectively from me. As soon as I started using a nursing pillow that he could rest on, I relaxed and our feeding bond became a lot easier. A nursing pillow may not suit all mothers, as it may also depend on your size and the easiest way for you to hold baby. However it has been a lifesaver for me!

Shop Nursing Pillows and read Nursing Pillow reviews.

2. A breast pump

From about 4 weeks of age, I started expressing breast milk so that my husband could feed our son before bedtime. This was amazingly helpful, because it meant our son got used to taking a bottle from a young age, while also still breastfeeding (plus hubby could do some of the middle of the night feeds!).

Originally we were unsure of whether to buy a breast pump or borrow one. Purchasing one was one of the best baby product investments we’ve made. It is easy to use and was very effective in producing milk, particularly in the early days. The one I use also takes batteries, so I can travel anywhere and pump and not worry about finding a power point.

Expressing allows me to have a bit of freedom and flexibility around breastfeeding and gives my husband the chance to have a great bonding relationship with our son.

Shop Breast Pumps and read Breast Pump reviews.

3. Nursing cover

Like me, some mums might be a bit modest breastfeeding out in public. I know that this is particularly a concern for new mums who are just getting into the rhythm of feeding. There are a range of breastfeeding covers out there to suit a range of styles and trends. I found the best ones to be those that could be used for a variety of things – mine converted into a scarf, as well as could be used as a capsule cover. Over time I found I needed it less and less, however in the early days it was great to have as it helped me feel comfortable and relaxed when I was feeding my son.

Shop Nursing Covers.

4. Nursing pads

An item I think most new Mums would benefit from is nursing pads. These were helpful for the first few months in making sure that my bras and tops weren’t saturated. I often had an over-supply and this meant that milk would be going everywhere. I was fortunate enough to be gifted a few sets of disposable nursing pads at my baby shower. There are also some beautiful reusable ones available that are easy to wash and very effective.

Shop Nursing Pads and read Nursing Pad reviews.

5. Nipple cream

No matter what stage of your breastfeeding journey you are in, nipple cream can be a life saver!

In the early days, the cream helps with cracks and chaffing that occur as you and baby both get used to breastfeeding. Once baby has their first teeth cut through, you will be getting used to the teeth rubbing you. A proper nipple cream helps alleviate the soreness and heals cracked or dry nipples. I always highly recommend nipple cream to any new mum I chat with. It really helps you to keep going when it all seems to get a bit too sore and tiresome!

These are my 5 breastfeeding essentials and I found them so useful when I began my breastfeeding journey.

Shop Nipple Creams and read Nipple Cream reviews.

What breastfeeding essentials for new mums would you recommend?

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