This is part 1 of our Play at Any Stage series with Fisher-Price. See part 2 (3-6 months) here.
In news that might surprise you, babies are ready for play from week 1! It might not look like much but even tiny bursts of play can make all the difference to your baby’s development.
We chatted with Lauren Celenza, a child development specialist and a researcher at the Fisher-Price Play Lab, who explains that it’s never too early to start playing with your little one. “It doesn’t have to be crazy,” she says. “There are different ways you can go about playing with them.”
Watch the full chat – with play and development advice for babies from 0 to 12 months – on Facebook.
Activities such as singing or reading a book are wonderful, or even just raising the pitch of your voice. “Babies are more likely to respond vocally when you use a higher pitched voice,” says Lauren. “They are drawn to respond to that because it’s easier for them to imitate that sound.”
Lauren also suggests really playing with your mouth and doing things like blowing raspberries and making funny faces at your baby. “Anything you’re doing with your baby at this stage, besides changing a nappy or feeding is play” says Lauren. “You can even incorporate play into something like changing a diaper – it can be really easy and fun.”
Sure, babies spend a lot of time sleeping and eating, but they also thrive on interaction with those around them. According to Lauren, at this stage your baby will want to connect with you and mirror your face. “They’re drawn to faces,” she says. “Even at really early ages, baby can also find their main caregiver in a room.”
Babies also need movement and touch to build up their muscles. Expect your baby to reach out and touch people’s faces and anything else that’s close by. “Their hands are not able to really do strong motions yet, it’s reflexive at this point in time for babies at this stage,” says Lauren. “So try anything that they can bat at or do very little with but get a really good reaction.”
Additionally, your baby’s brain is a sponge, soaking in everything around them. So it’s easy to see why talking, singing and reading to your baby as much as you can is so important for developing communication skills. “Reading is really an early form of play for them,” says Lauren.
While every baby is different (and you shouldn’t be comparing your little one to your friend’s baby), there are some milestones to look out for around this age.
Don’t overthink playing with your baby, it’s not just about toys and games. Babies can learn alot (and get a lot of enjoyment) from the simplest of interactions with their family. “Less is more,” says Lauren. “Don’t feel like you have to put a ton of things in front of them.”
Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about baby development or you need support.
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