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A guide to baby sleeping bags

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There are many baby sleeping bags to choose from but how do you know which is right for your baby?

In this guide to baby sleeping bags, we’ll break down your options to help you figure out the best choice for you (and them!).

Sponsored by The Gro Company.

Why use a baby sleeping bag?

A baby sleeping bag will help to keep your baby snug and comfortable during sleep time. As well as helping to keep them warm and cosy at bedtime, it can also increase their feeling of security and help them in getting better sleep. Let’s face it, that’s the goal of most new parents!

Using a sleeping bag removes the need to use blankets which can be kicked off during sleep, meaning your child stays warm and comforted all night.

In the lead up to bedtime, popping your baby into their sleeping bag will also, over time, signal to them that it’s time to relax and increase the chances of them settling quickly to sleep. That’s win/win for parents and babies.

Baby Lying Inside a Cot Wearing a Pink Gro Company Scandi Harvest Grobag 1.0 Tog

They’re available in a range of styles, sizes and budgets to suit your baby’s needs and can be used at home, at childcare, or on the go when you’re out and about or travelling with your baby.

Sleeping bags include features such as:

A range of sizes and Tog warmth: Whatever the age and size of your baby and the season, there’s a sleeping bag to suit. We’ll cover this in more detail and guide you through making the right choice.

Zip position: Side Zips are double poppers on the shoulders and underarms and make night-time nappy changes easier. Front zips are ideal if your child is a mover and shaker at sleep time.

Hip-healthy sleeping bags: The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) has recognised some swaddles and sleeping bags as being ‘hip-healthy’. You can find out more about hip dysplasia and their tips on helping to keep your baby’s hips safe here.

Read reviews on Sleeping Bags.

When to start using a baby sleeping bag

Baby sleeping bag experts, The Gro Company, recommend starting to use their award-winning baby Grobag when your baby weighs more than 8lbs 13oz/4kg (0-6 month size).

Baby Lying Inside a Bassinet Wearing an Ollie the Owl Gro Company Swaddle Grobag

They advise that “your child’s head should not be able to pass through the neck hole when the Grobag is fastened, otherwise the Grobag is too big”.

Sleeping bags can be used throughout the year but as temperatures change, so will the sleeping bag you choose to use.

A soft and lightweight sleeping bag will comfort your baby during the summer months and when it’s time to snuggle up in winter, you can choose a warmer option with a higher Tog count.

Shop Grobags and read reviews on Grobags.

How to choose the right Tog sleeping bag

Togs are a rating that measures how warm the sleeping bag is, in the same way a duvet is rated.

Sleeping bags in different Togs will need to be used throughout the year, adjusting which one you choose depending on the temperatures in and outside of your home.

The higher the Tog rating, the warmer the sleeping bag – this can help to guide you throughout the year to ensure your baby is at the right temperature during the night.

The Gro Company has a quick guide to choosing the right Tog sleeping bag:

3.5 Tog – suitable for cold temperatures and rooms that are 16°C (61°F) and below

2.5 Tog – suitable for all year round and standard rooms 16-20°C (61-68°F)

1.0 Tog – suitable for summer and daytime naps, warmer weather and in rooms 20-24°C (68-75°F)

0.5 Tog – suitable for holiday and heatwaves, hot weather and very warm rooms 24-27°C (75-81°F)

0.2 Tog – suitable for hot temperatures, for very hot rooms 27°C (81°F) and above

You can find out more about The Gro Company’s recommendations for the right size and Tog sleeping bag to choose here.

You’ll also need to consider what sleepwear your baby is dressed in beneath their sleeping bag to ensure that they won’t get too hot or cold. Keep an eye on your baby often to ensure they are not overheating and adjust their clothing or the room temperature if needed.

The Gro Company provides a free and handy nursery thermometer with each purchase that helps with this.

You might also opt for a Groegg as a quick and simple way to find out the temperature in your baby’s nursery. Find out more about the Groegg and read parent reviews here.

Yellow Gro Company Gro Egg 2 sitting at the corner of a table beside a bed where a toddler is sleeping

We hope our guide to choosing the right baby sleeping bag for your little one has helped you make the right decision.

Find out more about the Gro Company’s range and read reviews from parents who’ve tried them out here.


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