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10 ways to spend more quality time with your child

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10 ways to spend more quality time with your child by Mim Jenkinson.

Sponsored by Biostime.

Before starting a family, most of us have a vision of how much time we will spend with our children and the kind of activities we’ll get up to.

But when we become parents, we can be overwhelmed with how busy life suddenly gets.

Finding ways to spend more quality time with your child can sometimes be challenging, but there are many opportunities to do so that can fit into even a very busy schedule.

When one, or both, parents are out at work or have other priorities too, it’s easy to worry about if we’re doing enough to maximise the time with our family.

The reality is that we’re tired. Parenthood is a tough gig and when we’re juggling nappy changes, playdates, meal times, appointments and the ever-challenging bedtime routine, by the end of the day we’re exhausted.

Mother and toddler - Tell Me Baby

Why spending quality time with your child is so important

Clare Rowe, a leading Sydney-based child psychologist, says, “Spending time with your child creates a secure and loving attachment to their primary care givers. This secure attachment will be important in future years as they begin to explore their world independently, and then feel confident that they can come back to you when needed.

“A secure attachment means that you are a ‘safe base’ for them in the world. Spending time with your child gives them the simple message that they are important to you, which provides them comfort and a sense of belonging and stability which will last long into their life.”

We’ve teamed up with Biostime to share some ideas to enjoy more time with your child.

Biostime is a global leader in paediatric nutrition with over 20 years of expertise. They have just launched in Australia and are celebrating their arrival in style – more on that to come!

Ideas for spending more quality time with your child

The moments with our little ones, no matter the length of time or age, are precious. And whether they’re a toddler or teen, there are still many memorable moments to lock in before time starts to fly.

Clare Rowe’s advice, when it comes to spending time with your child, is “to make sure it is quality time interacting and devoting your attention to them – most importantly, put the phone or device down. Children copy, and you want to ensure that they are not receiving the signals that you are ‘half interested’ and too distracted by something else to give them your time.”

She also adds that “spending time with your child does not have to be all day, every day! Short moments in time where you give 100% of yourself is what is important. That means there is plenty of time around work and adult activities.

“Your children also need to learn the skill of being without you! Like everything, a balance is important.”

Here are some ideas on how you might incorporate some more quality time with your little one into your days.

They’re simple swaps or short additions to your daily routine that can make a big difference:

1. Walk

Slow down and walk instead of drive to the local park, if possible, and share the sights on the way.

2. Play

Get down on their level, play games together and let them teach you their rules!

3. Connect

Ask them questions, such as what the favourite part of their day was and get them to open up and share their little observations with you.

4. Eat

Let them help set the table and sit down to each together. Make simple meals and snacks together and allow them to help you.

5. Exercise

A walk before bedtime can be calming and a time to bond. Or do some yoga and relax together!

6. Read

Let them choose their favourite book and share why they love it.

7. Share

Snuggle up on the sofa and share a new or family-favourite movie. Or take some photographs of you together throughout the day, capturing happy memories to reflect on later.

8. Chores

Work together to tidy and let them show you the things they can do ‘all by themselves’.

9. Remind

In the times when you’re not with your child, remind them of your presence and love for them. Perhaps a love note in their lunch box!

10. Reinforce

Toddler reading - Tell Me Baby

Tell your little ones you love them and remind them often how important they are to you.

Spending quality time with our children is as much about the small moments as it is the big ones.

Being in the moment with your child is important for you, as well as for them. Taking time to get to know your child better and to bond with them reinforces the love and support you have for them and it strengthens the relationship over time.

Importantly, have fun during one-on-one time with your child. Laugh with them, hug them, play with them and create happy memories.

The Moments that Matter – don’t miss this great opportunity!

Each moment you spend with your child is a moment that matters! And to celebrate Biostime’s launch in Australia, they’re bringing you an exciting opportunity to create some magical memories with your little one!

Three lucky people will win a fantastic family trip to Sydney full of Moments that Matter.

Thanks to all those who have entered our Moments that Matter Social Competition. Since announcing this competition, we’ve been informed that Miranda has been put on bedrest and whilst her and her baby are healthy she is unable to travel to Australia in May under doctor’s orders.

Due to this change we wanted to update you that the competition prize will now include;

  • Family Trip to Sydney valued at $2,500
  • Tickets to a new Biostime VIP Event on the 9th May
  • A personalised message from Miranda Kerr for each of the three winners

To enter, simply:

  1. Head to @BiostimeAU on Instagram
  2. Follow @BiostimeAU
  3. Tag two friends in this post and comment on it explaining in 25 words or less how you share #MomentsThatMatter with your little one.

Terms and Conditions

18+ AU residents only. Entries close Wednesday 1st May 2019 at 11:59pm AEDT. The entries will be judged based on their creativity on the 2nd May 2019. For full terms and conditions, visit

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