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Mum’s video shows what a c-section really looks like

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c-section diagram

Being informed about birth is essential for women. But what happens when the information you find on the internet is a little, well – gory?

Wanting to educate women on what really happens during a caesarian birth without freaking them out, Jesse Franks, a blogger, International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) advocate and mum of three hand-crafted her own diagram. 

The anatomy of c-section

“How better to explain the seriousness of cesareans than something you can touch? To be able to look at and touch all those layers,” Jesse told Motherly

The video shows the layers of the body (using felt) that are cut through to reach the baby.

“This is beautiful”

Not surprisingly, Jesse said the response to her video has been really positive. 

“People have said that they are thankful it exists, that the actual surgical videos have been too gory for them to watch,” Jesse said. “One mum said that it was the first time she smiled while imagining her child’s birth. (That one made me teary-eyed!)”

Although the video was initially shared last year, it’s been doing the rounds again.

One mum wrote: “This is beautiful. I am so glad to see it in this way as to how it is really not that easy. Thank you for this is great validation.”

“This. Is. Brilliant 👍😊👏 thank you for sharing,” another added.

What about the abdominal muscles?

There was lots of talk in the comments about whether the abdominal muscles are cut or not. 

“The abdominal muscles. I’m assuming they don’t actually get cut but pushed apart,” someone added. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, “The most common incision is made horizontally (often called a bikini cut), just above the pubic bone. The muscles in your stomach will not be cut. They will be pulled apart so that the health care provider can gain access to the uterus. An incision will then be made into the uterus, horizontally or vertically.”

Pregnancy Birth and Baby says the cut may be vertical if the baby “needs to be delivered quickly.”

“The obstetrician will make a cut through the wall of your tummy, usually low and across near the pubic hairline. If your baby needs to be delivered very quickly, the cut may be made vertically from just below the belly button to above the pubic bone. The doctor will then cut through the layers of fatty tissue and muscle, and finally cut through the uterus.”

But regardless of how your baby is born, all that matters is you and your baby are safe and well.

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