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Bringing baby home: what you need to know

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By Mim Jenkinson

bringing baby home

Bringing your baby home from the hospital is one of the very first steps of your journey into new parenthood.

As you gingerly walk to the car, secure your baby in their new car seat and drive away, you’ll be filled with a lot of excitement and a few nerves too.

Suddenly, the responsibility for this new little life falls on your shoulders – it’s a lot to take in!

How can you ease yourself into this new stage? There are a few ways you can plan for that very first journey home to make it calmer and ease those first-time nerves during the drive home.

Here are some ideas to make the trip smoother for you and your new baby:

Dress your baby (and you!) for comfort

Your body will take a little time to recover, and wearing comfortable yet supportive clothing will help to give you confidence and feel more relaxed.

Check the weather too and dress your baby appropriately in a cosy outfit that keeps them at the ideal temperature. That means not too hot, or too cold when they’re exposed to the elements or tucked up in the car.

Simple layers, such as onesies, work well as they’re quick and easy to dress your baby in. If your baby needs a little extra warmth in the car, you might add a blanket over them after they are securely strapped in.

Choose the right car seat

In the weeks leading up to the birth, look for a car seat that provides the proper safety and comfort for your new baby.

You might choose a capsule to keep them snug and cosy as you drive, or a convertible car seat.

Capsules are ideal for newborns to babies (approximately six months old). They can click into place on an Isofix base or be secured with the car’s seat belt.

One great benefit of a baby capsule is that you can pop your baby into it and secure them before moving the seat into the car.

Many prams also have adapters so that you can fit your capsule on to it. This ‘travel’ system is designed to help make a new parent’s life easier as they move their baby from the house to the pram to the car and back.

However, if you’re looking for a car seat that can be used for years to come, a convertible car seat is an option – they can be still suitable for new babies to rear-face from the first day. Then, when it’s the right time, and your baby has grown, they can be placed forward facing.

Convertible car seats can be a cost-effective option for families who only want to invest in purchasing a car seat once.

Check out our extensive range of car seats.

Get the car seat professionally installed

A pro installation of your baby’s car seat will give you the ultimate peace of mind when you’re embarking on that first journey home from the hospital.

Your installer will be familiar with how to fit each different seat depending on your car’s make and model and the guidelines of the car seat.

When you’re in the car, you’ll be reassured that your baby is safe and secure as you travel.

Prepare a little at home

If possible, set up the house ready for your arrival home.

Stock up on new essentials for your baby such as clothing, nappies and wipes. Set up where you baby will sleep and have some snacks and easy freezer meals on hand for your first few days at home too.

It might take a little time to find your feet. Having the key essentials at home to make life easier will help you to get settled quickly and not have to rush out to the shops.

If you have family or friends nearby, see if they’re on hand to help you run any errands in the first few weeks. They’re bound to want to visit you and your new baby, and if they offer to help while they’re there, say yes – especially if they offer to clean!

Be kind to yourself

Leaving the hospital can be daunting for new parents. Whether you’ve spent a few hours, days or weeks in hospital care, you’ll be used to having support on hand throughout the day and night.

During the journey home, it’s normal to feel a little nervous about what’s to come, and you will probably feel a real mix of emotions.

Be gentle on yourself and take it easy on the ride home. If someone else is driving, you might choose to sit in the back next to your baby so that you can keep an eye on each other. It isn’t necessary but it might help to soothe you.

If you’re travelling in the front of the car, or driving, install a rear mirror so that you and your baby can watch each other.

You can see our range of car accessories, such as mirrors, here.

The first journey home with your baby is one of your first and most precious memories as a new parent. With a little planning, you can enjoy it with more peace of mind!

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