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Flo families wanted (and you can win!)

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When it comes to runny, snotty or blocked noses, does your family go with the ‘Flo’? If so, we need you! 

We’re making a video to show how easy it is to use Flo’s gentle and preservative-free saline nasal sprays and drops for runny or blocked little noses, and we’d love your help!

We just need photos or videos of you using a Flo Baby or Flo Kids Nasal Saline product on your little one. 

For helping us out, you’ll go in the draw to win. If you send a video you’ll be in the draw to win a $100 Visa gift card – and if you send a photo, you could win a $50 Visa gift card.

What you need to know 

  • Take a video or photos of your child using their favourite Flo product. Remember that the spray works at any angle so feel free to mix it up i.e. with your child sitting, lying or standing … whatever position they like to use their Flo spray.
  • Please ensure videos are very short – no longer than 10 seconds (around 30MB).
  • Make sure you hold your phone in landscape mode (sideways), not portrait, for both photos and video.

If the below form doesn’t work, you can email us your entry to

Terms and conditions here.

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