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9 truths about the last month of pregnancy

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You’re nearly there! You’ve made it to the last month of pregnancy, and before you know it, you’ll be gazing in awe at the tiny baby you created. 

Unfortunately, for some women, the last month of pregnancy can – well, drag on a bit.

Here are nine things women in their last month of pregnancy know all too well. 

1. Strangers will try and touch your belly

People you don’t know will think it’s appropriate to touch your stomach (some will even do it without asking permission). You might have been dealing with this throughout your pregnancy, but now that it’s well and truly obvious the baby will be coming soon, you’ll attract a certain type of touchy person. Be on guard for these people at all times – or just touch their stomach right back!

2. Signs of labour

You’ve been told that you’ll “just know” when you go into labour – but if it’s your first time giving birth, this advice isn’t very helpful. Instead, you’ll monitor your body regularly for any sign that things are about to start. (Read some common labour signs here.)

3. Time will stop

The saying “a watched kettle never boils” is very true for women in their last month of pregnancy. Why is it going soooo slow?

4. Picking things up off the floor isn’t an option

Dropped something on the floor? Your bump is now to big to be able to bend over and pick it up. You’ll never see that item again (unless someone takes pity on you and picks it up for you!).

5. Your body will be open to commentary

Again, even total strangers will take great pleasure in telling you just how big you are (like you hadn’t noticed). We recommend avoiding eye contact with these strangers at all times, no matter how hard they try to get your attention. 

6. Slip-on shoes only

Tying your shoelaces isn’t possible anymore. Ankle straps are also a big no-no – your feet have probably swollen up too much for that now. Make sure you have a pair of comfy slip-on shoes that can see you through the last month of pregnancy.

7. Sleep 

Who knew that sleep deprivation started well before baby is due? Back pain and general discomfort can make it hard for mums-to-be to get a restful sleep. Investing in a good pregnancy pillow can help though.

8. Watching your baby kick

Watching your baby kick and roll around in your tummy makes everything worthwhile – even thought they’re quickly running out of room. You might have mixed feelings about this: looking forward to not being headbutted and karate-kicked while trying to sleep, but you also know it won’t be long until you don’t get to experience any of it anymore. Bittersweet!

9. Emotions in overdrive

You’re nervous, you’re excited, you’re crying hysterically over every birth in One Born Every Minute … and most of all, you’re already feeling so much love, affection and awe for the little baby that’s about to turn your life upside down. You can’t wait to meet the person you’ve spent the last nine months creating – it’s truly incredible!

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