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Disciplining your child: should you or shouldn’t you?

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“Disciplining Your Child, Should You Or Shouldn’t You?” is a guest post by Kell Kelly at All Mum Said.

Disciplining Your Child, Should You Or Shouldn’t You?

There is no doubt about it, kids will push you to your limits. But is there a right way to discipline your child or should you even do it at all?

There is so much pressure on parents to react a certain way when their children misbehaves. The expectations vary from person to person. Some expect you to take a deep breath and calmly speak to your child and have them immediately change their behaviour. Others expect you to give them a time-out, remove a favourite toy or in extreme situations smack them.

Parenting is tough

These mixed expectations can leave parents not only confused, but also feeling extremely judged. Parenting is a tough gig and regardless what age your child is, it comes with its struggles. You might find it difficult to educate and inform your child in a positive way that teaches them right from wrong. Particularly after they have thrown themselves on the floor in the supermarket because they can’t take the shopping basket home or when the constant sibling bickering gets too much.

So how does this impact your parenting? Are you left scratching your head wondering what is considered an appropriate way to discipline your child? Or are you firm? If you want a little guidance, here are a few tips that may help.

Discipline or strategy?

Every child is different and what may work for one, certainly won’t work for another. I mean, why would it? That would make it far too easy. Just like you alternative approaches can often result in a better outcome, it is about finding what works for the individual.

  • Consistency – If for example you let your toddler jump on the lounge chair today, don’t expect that he will know he is not allowed to do it tomorrow.
  • Pick your battles – If you were to get annoyed at every ‘wrong’ thing your child does, they will stop taking notice when you are not happy with their behaviour. Pick your battles and if what they are doing is more annoying than it naughty, consider letting it go. Save the talking to for when they have done something worth putting a stop to.
  • Get down to their level – Children often play up because they want attention or occasionally because they are seeing how far they can push the limits. By getting down to their level when you speak to them, it shows them that you are more interested in teaching them than showing them who is boss.
  • Time-out – This could be for you or them. If you think you are too emotional to discuss the problem in a way that will be of benefit, send them to their room. Then calm down or go outside and get some fresh air before discussing the issue.
  • Quick lesson – Keep the lesson in behaviour short and sweet. Toddlers and young children in particular only have short attention span. If you drag it out they will lose interest in what you are trying to say. This can lead to you becoming frustrated too. If you can avoid this and teach your children positive behaviour that is all you can ask for.

When it comes to all things parenting, we are our harshest critics. Give yourself a break, ignore the judgey people and try different things. You will eventually find what works for your family, your child and you.

Do you feel judged when it come to your discipline choices?

About Kell

Kell can be found over at All Mum Said. She delivers an honest account of life as a time-poor mum, hilarious parenting fails and everything else that motherhood entails. The mama bear in her looks after her readers by ensuring there is fresh and exciting content and a great range of reviews and giveaways for her fans.



What is the right way for disciplining Your Child


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