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5 tips to toilet training toddlers

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5 Tips To Toilet Training Toddlers by Kell from All Mum Said.

The time has come that makes every parent excited yet terrified. You are filled with glee that there will soon be no more nappies. Yet you are anxious by the thought of how many wet and soiled pairs of underpants and public accidents you have to come.

If it makes you feel any better, your toddler is feeling exactly the same way. They are excited to be a big kid! Yay! No more nappies. While simultaneously wondering why water is running down their legs. These tips to toilet training toddlers will help you make the transition easier and less stressful.

Tips and tricks to toilet training toddlers

Over my years of toilet training toddlers, I have discovered a few tricks that have so far helped us to successfully transition from nappies to the toilet. Here are a few of my tips:

1. Go cold turkey

We tried weaning them into it but have found the cold turkey approach to be much more successful. Plan to not go anywhere for at least a week and just commit. By not swapping and changing between underpants and nappies throughout the day, your toddler will not get confused.

2. Buy underwear in bulk

Depending what season it is when you start toilet training, you should invest in bulk amounts of cheap kid’s underwear. We always try to potty train in summer so they can get the hang of it while wearing nothing but undies.

3. Don’t give up

It may seem like your toddler is not grasping the concept of it but it could be the next accident or next toilet trip that this whole toilet training thing just clicks for them. Yes you will be mopping up wee and potentially be throwing away a few pair of soiled jocks but once they realise they don’t like the feeling of being wet, you will be on the road to the being nappy-free.

4. Bribe bribe bribe

I know many parents will disagree and that is fine but I have found one of the most effective ways to encourage kids to use the toilet is good old fashioned bribery. We have always bought cheap Matchbox cars or Shopkins in bulk and used these as a reward for every wee/poo and then slowly decrease it over time once they started continuously using the toilet.

5. Make it fun

There are a few tricks that have made toilet training fun for our kids over the years. Think of things like a ping pong ball in the water that the kids have to try and wee on, because let’s face it, who doesn’t love good target practice. Another winner is adding blue food colouring to the water so when their urine hits the water it turns green. You will be surprised how effective this has been with boys in particular!


Not every child will like using a potty. None of mine did so we skipped it entirely and went straight from the nappy to the toilet. Those padded toilet training seats are awesome!

Toilet training toddlers can be frustrating and repetitive but it is also a very exciting time for your toddler. Let them know how proud you are of them, even when they have just sat on the toilet and tried. Oh and get used to the false alarm dash to the toilet, there will be a lot of them!


5 Tips To Toilet Training Toddlers

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