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5 best car seats for newborns

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Having your car seat sorted before your baby is born is very important (anytime between 35-37 weeks). So when the time comes to take your bundle of joy home, you’re all set and ready to go. But which is the best newborn car seat?

Based on car seat reviews, we’ve put together a list of the top five car seats for newborns that our community loves. Each one has a rating of at least 4 stars out of 5 (click through to each car seat’s page to see its current ratings). You can also take a look at our car seat comparisons to find out the most rated products and tips for buying a car seat.

1. Britax Safe-n-Sound Graphene EA IFIX Convertible Car Seat

A popular choice in the Tell Me Baby community. The Britax Safe-n-Sound Graphene EA IFIX Convertible Car Seat is suitable from birth to 4 years old (approx). Many reviewers say this car seat does not disappoint and is worth the money. 

Read Britax Safe-n-Sound Graphene EA IFIX Convertible Car Seat reviews

2. Mother’s Choice Allure Convertible Car Seat

best newborn car seat

Mother’s Choice Allure Convertible Car Seat is a rearward and forward-facing car seat featuring a multi-position adjustable headrest and 2 forward-facing recline positions. Reviewers say they were impressed with the price point as well as the safety ratings. 

Read Mother’s Choice Allure Convertible Car Seat reviews

3. Maxi-Cosi Euro NXT

Another great option for a newborn car seat. The Maxi-Cosi Euro NXTcan be used from newborn to 4 years approx.

best newborn car seat

Read more Maxi-Cosi Euro NXT reviews.

4. InfaSecure Grandeur Element Convertible Car Seat

InfaSecure Grandeur Element Convertible Car Seat allows for extended rearward facing up to a large 30 month old, and forward facing with a harness to a large 8 year old.

best newborn car seat

Read InfaSecure Grandeur Element Convertible Car Seat reviews

5. Babylove EzySwitch Convertible Car Seat

The BabyLove EzySwitch is suitable from birth through to 4 years (approx.).

best newborn car seat

Read Babylove EzySwitch Convertible Car Seat.

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