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Aptamil vs NAN: baby formulas compared

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Aptamil vs NAN

Trying to decide on an infant formula can leave some parents feeling overwhelmed, but what it usually comes down to is trial and error. To help you narrow your selection, we’ve gathered the pros and cons from other parents for two popular brands: Aptamil vs NAN.

Tell Me Baby parents have rated baby formulas they’ve tried and shared their opinions on what has or hasn’t worked for them. Based on their baby formula reviews, we’ve compared the top rated products for Nestle Nan and Aptamil – Aptamil Gold+ 2 and Nestlé NAN COMFORT 2 – to help with your decision. 

You can also take a look at our baby formula comparisons to find out the most rated products.

This article contains information about infant formulas. Under the WHO Code, the information presented here is free from advertising and is based on unbiased opinions from parents.

Aptamil vs NAN

When choosing newborn formula, protein should be top of mind. A cow’s milk-based formula is recommended for babies under 12 months unless they have a diagnosed milk allergy. 

There are two main types of protein found in cow’s milk based baby formula (and breastmilk): whey and casein. Whey digests quickly while casein is digested more slowly. Whey dominant formulas are easier for younger babies to digest. Want to know more? Read everything you need to know about choosing a newborn formula

Aptamil Gold+ 2


Aptamil Gold+ 2 is a premium follow-on formula designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from six to 12 months as part of a mixed diet. This formula is not suitable for infants with cows’ milk protein allergies, lactose intolerance or galactosaemia.

  • whey:casein ratio: 51:49
  • 1.5grams protein/100ml

When can I use it? 

Suitable for infants 6-12 months.


$30 for a 900g tin. Buy it here.


Aptamil Gold+ 2 is a popular choice for many parents in the Tell Me Baby community. Many said it mixes well, tastes nice, and babies seem to take it without a fuss. The fact that it’s available in sachets is a big plus for parents who don’t go through formula fast enough to buy a whole tin. Others said this formula made their weaning experience a dream. “Let’s just say I have never had a more easy weaning experience,” wrote one mum. While some said it’s a bit pricey, most said the quality of the formula is worth the price tag.


A few parents who prefer this product said they find it difficult to source. As mentioned above, the price is high compared to other infant formulas. 

Example review

“When weaning my 6-month-old breastfed baby, I decided to go with a good branded formula, one that was a bit pricey but also one that was good quality, I immediately was drawn to Aptamil Gold, as I had been recommended by other family members and decided to give it a go, let’s just say I have never had a more easier weaning experience. My baby took to this formula straight away, she was sleeping longer after her feeds and a lot more content. Thank you Aptamil!!! My child is now 9 months and still drinking it.”

Read Aptamil Gold+ 2 reviews



Another excellent choice for a follow-on formula, Nestle NAN COMFORT 2 is made from cow’s milk and contains all the nutrients your formula-fed infant needs. Popular features include a separate storage area for the scoop and a semi-transparent window to see how much powder is left. 

  • whey:casein ratio: 40:60
  • 1.5 grams protein/100 mls

When can I use it? 

Suitable for infants from six months.


$20.99 for an 800g tin. Buy it here.


Parents in the TMB community say the price of Nestle NAN COMFORT 2 is a significant pro. It’s also easy to source, gentle on little tummies and makes the transition to a follow-on formula easy. 


The only downside for one reviewer was that it’s not organic. Another wrote the scoop was small, “so it’s easy to forget where you are at.” 

Example review

“Absolutely love nan comforts! We started stage 1 nan comfort from birth and then moved to this one at 6 months and it still sat really well with my girls! It’s the only formula that didn’t make them spew after and they would always finish their entire bottle! I went through so many to find these.”

Read Nestle NAN COMFORT 2 reviews.

Aptamil vs NAN Summary 

Like most baby products, what works for one child might not for another. The same can be said for baby formula. After reading reviews, both of these products would be a good follow-on formula option. 

If you are still unsure about which product is right for you, we recommend that you talk to your health care provider to help you make the right decision.

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