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Dad shares baby sleep trick that “actually worked”

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By Livia Gamble

One of the biggest challenges new parents face is sleep: both for themselves and their baby. 

Now Austin Miles Geter, a dad from Dallas in the US, has shared a video of himself getting his daughter Charlie to sleep using a handy little tip – and he reckons it could help everyone get some more rest.

In the video titled, This trick actually worked really well, the dad says, “So here we are, she keeps crying because I keep having to change positions – but I know she’s sleepy.”

“But I heard if you gently rub their eyebrows they go to sleep. So, I’m going to try it.” 

The video shows the dad gently rubbing his finger across his daughter’s eyebrow. Her eyes start to close, but it’s clear that this baby is a fighter. After a few more strokes, she’s asleep and her dad can be seen (quietly) cheering.

The video has been liked over 35,000 times, with many parents saying this trick worked for them too. 

“My son’s 4, will be 5 in March, and the eyebrow trick still works,” one parent wrote.

Another said, “I rubbed all 3 of my boys’ eyebrows, and it worked on them.”

“My boys love that and doing a figure 8 on their backs,” another shared.

Why sleep kicks in

As for why this works, one parent said, “I think this works cause when you touch close to the eyes, her reflexes make her close them. And once they begin to close is when sleep kicks in.”

Whatever the reason, it’s an adorable video, and we want to see more wholesome – and potentially helpful! – clips like this. 

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