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7 simple ways to save money on big-ticket baby items 

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saving money on baby items

By Livia Gamble

Congrats! You have a new bub on the way. And while this is a very exciting time, the thought of purchasing those big-ticket baby items can cause some parents to break out in a sweat over the cost.

Despite your initial reaction, it is possible to save money on baby items. Yes, even your pram, car seat and cot — stick with us, and we’ll show you how.

1. Buy second-hand baby items

Forget the early morning garage sale trek (unless you want to); it’s easier than ever to find quality second-hand baby items from the comfort of your home. Marketplaces, like Gumtree, are a great place to start. Just remember to get in quick to avoid missing out.

Do consider safety when buying second-hand items – CHOICE has some guidelines on what to check for when using a pre-loved car seat.

2. Hire your baby items

Kids grow up so fast, so for some, it doesn’t make sense to buy things that will be used for a small portion of a child’s life, especially if you’re on a tight budget. A really great solution is to hire your baby items. Tree Hut Villiage is an Australian parent-to-parent community that provides a secure and reliable way for parents to hire baby equipment. From breast pumps to cots and toys, there’s a massive range of items available to rent from other parents.

3. Borrow from friends

Have you got a friend who had kids a few years before you? There’s no harm in asking if they have anything you could borrow. Not only will borrowing baby items save you money, but it will also free up space in their garage and make them feel excellent for doing such a good deed.

4. Reuse items from older siblings

You know the saying: ‘If it ain’t broke…’ Well, this applies to baby items too. If you’re already the proud owner of a pram, cot and car seat, do not feel guilty for reusing them on younger siblings – you’re just being savvy! Own it.

5. Stick to the essentials

Make a list and check it twice while asking yourself, “Do we really need this?” It can be hard to know what you’ll need until your little one arrives. Additionally, researching what other parents have to say about a product on Tell Me Baby (and leaving reviews in return) can really help with the buying process. But ultimately, sticking to the essentials and only purchasing things as you need them will save you a lot of money.

6. Join a parenting community

Joining a community of parents has so many benefits, including the possibility of swapping your unwanted baby items with other families for something you do need. A lot of the time, parents just want to see their once-loved things go to a good home instead of landfill. Check to see if there are any local groups on Facebook or Nextdoor, or look at local noticeboards for meet-ups.

7. Choose multi-function baby items

Choosing multi-function products is the ultimate money-saving tip. From your car seat to the high chair, finding items that grow with your baby will help them last for ages and are worth the investment.

Happy savings!

Looking to stock up on some essential baby items? The Tell Me Baby shop has a large selection of must-have baby products available online. You can shop everything you need from over 400 of your favourite Australian brands, conveniently located in one place.

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