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Why it’s important for my kids to see me work

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Why It Is Important For My Kids To See Me Work – written by Kell from All Mum Said.

I am a working mum. I work hard and it is important that my kids see me work.

Why It Is Important For My Kids To See Me Work

You are probably thinking this is just another dreadful click bait article written to create debate among mothers already questioning their decisions. I’ll put your mind at ease because this is not that.

When I became a mum I had no intention of being a working mum. Not because I was lazy or because I suddenly thought that I no longer needed to, but because I wanted to be the one to raise my child.

I wanted to be there when they said their first words, took their first steps and be the one to instill good behaviour.

I loved being a stay at home mum. I loved having the time to spend with them doing everything and/or nothing. Just being with them and watching them grow. I am fortunate enough to have a husband who supported and encouraged this decision.

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Fast forward a few years and I am now a work at home mum. What started as a hobby for me has turned into a full time job with multiple freelance side projects. Now I have the best of both worlds; I can stay home with my kids and I can earn a living at the same time.

You may be wondering why I want my kids to see me working… well it is simple really.

I want each and every one of my kids to grow up understanding that if they want something in life, they have to earn it.

It is easy to tell children work for what you want but I find the ‘monkey see, monkey do’ approach to be the most effective way of teaching.

In addition to that though, I want my daughters to know that should they become mothers themselves, it doesn’t mean they can’t be and do more as well.

Becoming a mum doesn’t mean they have to give up being independent. I want my sons to know that should they have children, becoming a parent doesn’t defy who they are. If my kids (or their future partners) decide to become stay at home parents, I support that 100% because I know how lucky they are to have the option. However if they decide to return to work and become working parents, I support that too.

For me, I am a stay at home mum that works. I am independent, I work hard and I am a good mum.

I want my kids to grow up seeing that if they want to, they can have it all.

At the end of the day everyone has an opinion on what you should do. Ignore them. Every family should do what is right for them!

How did you you make the choice to stay at home, work from home or go out to work?


Why It Is Important For My Kids To See Me Work - Tell Me Baby Do you think it's important for kids to see us work? How did you decide to be a stay at home mum or a work from home mum?

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