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4 fun ways to predict the gender of your baby

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gender reveal charts and tests

Boy or girl? Whether you’ve decided to find out the gender of your baby or not, there are a couple of fun ways to try and guess. 

Having an ultrasound around the 20-week mark of pregnancy is typically when the technician can accurately tell you the sex of your baby. There’s also the NIPT: while this test, available from nine weeks gestation, mainly checks for chromosomal abnormalities, it can also tell you the baby’s gender. The NIPT isn’t covered by Medicare or private health insurance and can cost $400-$1000.

In the mean time, it can be fun to try and guess your baby’s gender using some non-scientific ways.

Here are four fun gender prediction tests to try.

1. The ring test

First up is an old wives’ tale known as the ring test. Take your wedding ring and loop a piece of thread or sting through it. Lie down and ask someone to hold it over your belly. If the ring swings in a circular motion, you’re supposedly having a girl; if the ring swings back and forth, you’re having a boy. 

2. Chinese gender predictor chart

Another fun one to try, a Chinese gender predictor chart is said to be 90% accurate (we have no idea who came up with this figure). The chart predicts the gender of your baby based on the month of conception and the mother’s birthday. Give it try below.

3. Mayan gender prediction method

The Mayans have a test similar to the Chinese. Take the mother’s age at conception and the month the baby was conceived. If the numbers for the mother’s age and conception month are both even or both odd, it’s a girl. When one number is even, and one is odd, it’s a boy. Use the chart below.

4. The nub theory

According to this theory, your 12-week ultrasound image holds a very important clue to finding out the gender of your baby. By this time, your baby should have formed a little nub between their legs that might be visible in the ultrasound picture. It’s said that if the nub is over 30 degrees up from the spine, it’s a boy. If it’s under that, then it’s a girl.

Image: Pinterest

At the end of the day, these gender prediction tests and charts are just a bit of fun, and all that matters is that your baby is healthy.

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