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Nestlé NAN Comfort 1 vs NAN Supremepro 1: Baby Formulas Compared

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Baby formula has all the added vitamins, minerals, and fats that a baby needs. And while every baby formula available to purchase in Australia has to meet strict Australian standards, that doesn’t make choosing one any easier. Tell Me Baby parents have rated baby formulas they’ve tried and shared their opinions on what has or hasn’t worked for them. Based on their baby formula reviews, we’ve compared Nestlé NAN NAN COMFORT 1 and NAN SUPREMEpro 1 to help you make a better buying decision for your baby. 

You can also take a look at our baby formula comparisons to find out the most rated products.

This article contains information about infant formulas. Under the WHO Code, the information presented here is free from advertising and is based on unbiased opinions from parents.

Nan Comfort vs Nan Supreme

When choosing newborn formula, protein should be top of mind. A cow’s milk-based formula is recommended for babies under 12 months unless they have a diagnosed milk allergy.

There are two main types of protein found in cow’s milk based baby formula (and breastmilk): whey and casein. Whey digests quickly while casein is digested more slowly. Whey dominant formulas are easier for younger babies to digest. Want to know more? Read everything you need to know about choosing a newborn formula.

Nestlé NAN SUPREMEpro 1 


Nestlé NAN SUPREMEpro 1 is a partially hydrolysed infant formula, from cow’s milk, so the protein is broken up making it easier for a baby to process. This product also comes with hygienic, innovative packaging – a separate storage area for the scoop, and a semi-transparent window that allows you to see how much powder is left in the can without having to open it. The Nan website says NAN Supremepro 1 SHOULD NOT be used if an infant has a diagnosed cow’s milk allergy.

  • 1.3 grams protein/100ml
  • 100% whey (partially hydrolysed)

What age can babies take this formula?

NAN SUPREME 1 is suitable for babies from birth.


$29.99 for an 800g tin. Buy it here.


Parents in the Tell Me Baby community say that this formula mixes well and is very filling. Many mums said they used this product to ‘top their baby up’ when having supply issues.


It is one of the more expensive brands of formula on the market. Some parents said their baby had awful smelling poo and wind, but overall reviewers seemed happy with this product. 

Example review

“I had to top up with formula feeds as my third one was not putting on weight due to latching issues. I was recommended this by a few friends who had similar issues with their children, and it worked very well for my baby, and he soon started to put on a healthy amount of weight. Never had any constipation or diarrhoea issues though he was a bit gassy at times.”

Read Nestlé NAN SUPREMEpro 1 reviews.



NAN COMFORT 1 is a whey dominant starter infant formula, from cow’s milk. Similarly, this product also features the same hygienic, innovative packaging as Nestlé NAN SUPREME 1.

  • whey: casein: 60:40
  • 1.4 grams protein/100ml

What age can babies start taking this?

NAN COMFORT 1 is suitable for babies from birth.


$20.99 for an 800g tin. Buy it here.


Parents say this was a good alternative to breastmilk when deciding to give their baby formula. Many reviewers say it’s gentle on the stomach, mixes well, and is a reasonable price. 


One reviewer said they found it thick. “Keep in mind it is quite thick, so we had to go up a teat size very early due to the thickness,” they wrote. 

Example review

“This was about the 6th formula we tried, and I wish had used it first. His wind almost completely subsidies when we use this formula, not to mention how extremely affordable it in comparison to other ones a d very easy to find at your local supermarket or chemist.”

Read Nestlé NAN COMFORT 1 reviews


The baby formula you use will be dependent on your individual circumstances. Both of these formulas are great options that provide essential nutrients for your baby.

We recommend that you talk to your doctor to help make the right decision for you.

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