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What will my baby say? Hilarious videos of babies’ very first ‘words’

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Hearing your baby’s very first words is a truly remarkable and much anticipated moment. But when does it happen? And what sort of things will your baby say? You just won’t know until it happens. And hopefully you’ll have a mobile phone ready to capture it!

Some parents are lucky enough to be able to record their baby’s first word and share it on social media, giving the rest of us delightful and entertaining internet viewing. Read on to see some super cute first words!

When will my baby speak?

Babies are all so different and develop at different rates, but they generally say their first word somewhere around their first birthday. However before this happens, their communication is developing at a tremendous rate. Not only do they learn to express themselves, but they’re also learning to respond, smiling and laughing when you play with them, waving and pointing, or even reacting to their name.

Development of baby language

3-4 months: Your baby might start to make eye contact and combine vowels and consonants to make sounds such as “ahh goo”. They might also babble and combine vowels and consonants to say words like “ma ma ma” or “ga ga ga”.

5-7 months: Now your baby may start imitating noises that you make, such as blowing raspberries, coughing, clicking and laughing. They will also copy your gestures such as waving, pointing and clapping. They might also start playing with sounds like “ahh” and “booo”, trying different pitches and volume levels.

8-9 months: At this stage, your baby could say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’, without really knowing what it means. They might also put sounds together in a way that sounds like normal speech.

10-11 months: You baby will start to use noises or gestures when ask for something, insisting on something, saying no or greeting someone. They might also understand the word ‘no’ by this stage, not that they will always do as you say. They may also ask for something by pointing, or by looking at a person then at the object they want.

12-14 months: This is when your baby might say “mama” or “dada” and know that they’re talking about you. They will also understand simple instructions with visual and verbal cues.

Amazing ‘first words’

While baby’s first word is often “dada” or “mama”, this isn’t always the case. My first daughter’s first word was ‘ball’ … and I’m not sure about my second daughter’s first word (I’m hoping I wrote it down, because now, at age 10, she keeps asking me).

These days, with mobile phones, parents have more of a chance to capture their baby’s first words – like this one couple managed to do. The scene, which they shared on Instagram, received nearly 68,000 likes and it’s not hard to see why.

Not only do we hear their baby’s first amazing attempt at communication, but also the heart-melting phrase the baby utters is “I love you.” And not just once, but twice. The parents’ reaction is priceless – as are many of the viewers’ comments. “Well that just made this pregnant lady burst into tears,” said one follower. “So beautiful”.

What did he say?

Next we have a TikTok video showing another baby’s first words. This one is also super cute, however not quite what the parents were expecting. The video’s caption says it all: “I waited 8 months for his first words to be “alright bruv”.” While it’s hard to believe, this is, in fact, what the baby seems to say!

@carmenbish0 Answer @im_siowei #roadman #roadbaby #funny #baby #babyboy #firstwords #comedy #fyp #foryourpage #foryoupage #alrightbruv #bruv #alright #cute #silly #babytiktoker #babytiktok ♬ original sound – Cjessiebish

Having a good old chat

This final video is my personal favourite. The baby is not actually saying words but seems to be having a compete conversation with a talking cactus.

The mum places the moving/talking cactus in front of her daughter and says, “Talk to it”. And the baby takes great delight in conversing with the toy, imitating it and laughing at the exchange between them. While the baby isn’t saying any actual words, she’s definitely trying to communicate. And really looks like she understands and appreciates exactly what the cactus is saying.

@millsapmafia Her facial expressions 😂💀🙈 #thesingingcactus ♬ original sound – Brittany Millsap

With 3.8 million likes, I’m not the only one who enjoyed this moment. “Wow a full conversation,” said one viewer. “I wonder what she’s saying.” Another said, “She’s like “FINALLY. A PERSON OF CULTURE THAT CAN UNDERSTAND ME”, while another said, “Awww the little soul, it must be so nice to talk to someone with the same language.”

It is a hilarious video that clearly shows when it comes to speech development, it’s not all about the words. This baby is enjoying a lengthy conversation with a toy. The expressive and happy way she’s communicating is so engaging – what she’s saying is of no importance whatsoever!

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