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How to limit screen time for your child

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How To Limit Screen Time For Your Child – by Kell Kelly from All Mum Said.

As parents, finding that balance of encouraging digital devices and limiting the time spent on them can be difficult. Particularly in this day and age where everything revolves around digital technology.

You do everything you can to ensure you are doing this whole parenting thing right, but it can get confusing. And with so many conflicting opinions it makes your decision even more difficult. We understand this. Which is why we have put together a simple guide on how to limit screen time.

Why you should limit screen time for your child

There are many reasons it is important to limit screen time for your child and they include:


Many kids become addicted to technology very easily and this can result in more problems than it is worth. They may become aggravated when told to turn devices off and could potentially become detached from the outside world.


Instead of running around and being active, kids are sitting down for hours playing their digital devices. This impacts their health and fitness levels.

Limit screen time for your child

Limiting screen time doesn’t mean you have to cut it out completely. It simply means that it needs to be monitored and enforced. Here are a few easy ways to limit screen time:

Parental control apps

There are an increasing number of apps that allow parents to not only monitor the amount of time their child can be on their device, they can also see what apps they have been using and put restrictions on the duration of use. These apps have the ability to lock the device after the set period of time.

Earn time

Make your kids earn their time! It can be as small 5 minutes for putting their toys away, 10 minutes for helping put clothes away, etc. This not only limits their screen time, it also encourages and teaches them how to do chores.

Be an example

We know we know… but as the saying goes, monkey see monkey do. Leading by example and refraining from constantly being in front of the screen will teach your kids that there are other things to do. For example, if you read a lot – they tend to as well. If you exercise – they more than likely will too.

Play with your kids

We all get busy and understand it is convenient and easy to stick kids in front of the screen for half an hour while you get some tasks completed, but make time to pick up a ball, doll or truck and play with your child.

There are hundreds of other reasons why you should limit screen time and even more ways you can limit it, but these are enough to get you started.

How do you limit screen time for your child?


How to limit Screen Time for your Child


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