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a2 vs Aptamil: baby formulas compared

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a2 vs Aptamil formula: what’s the difference? It’s a question many parents ask when trying to decide on a baby formula.

Tell Me Baby parents have rated baby formulas they’ve tried and shared their opinions on what has or hasn’t worked for them. Based on their baby formula reviews, we’ve compared a2 Platinum Premium Infant Formula Stage 1 vs Aptamil Gold+ 1 to help with your buying decision.

You can also take a look at our baby formula comparisons to find other highly rated products, according to other parents.

This article contains information about infant formulas. Under the WHO Code, the information presented here is free from advertising and is based on unbiased opinions from parents.

a2 vs Aptamil formula

Before we dive in, let’s talk about protein. There are two main types of protein found in cow’s milk-based baby formula (and breastmilk): whey and casein. Whey digests quickly while casein is digested more slowly. Whey dominant formulas are easier for younger babies to digest. Want to know more? Read our ultimate guide to newborn formula.

a2 Platinum Premium Infant Formula Stage 1

a2 vs aptamil formula


  • 60: 40 whey: casein ratio
  • 1.5 grams protein/100ml

The milk powder in this exclusive formulation contains only the naturally occurring A2 type of beta-casein protein to the exclusion of the A1 type of beta-casein protein, which may help support your baby’s natural digestion.

For more nutrition information, visit the website.




Parents say they like how easily a2 Platinum Premium Infant Formula Stage 1 formula dissolves. “No lumps are left in the bottom of the bottle like other brands,” said one reviewer.

Another reviewer said they find this product helped with their baby’s reflux.


On the other hand, some parents said this product is “not great with babies with reflux.” So it really depends on the baby.

Additionally, it’s more expensive and sometimes hard to find. “The formula itself is pricey compared to other formulas,” wrote a parent. “We had issues with availability in our area as not all stores have it.”

Example review

“We came across A2 formula on our third baby after her suffering from bad reflux. As soon as she started it settled with no further issues. Now using for our fourth baby and would recommend for use to my friends and family. Am happy to pay a little more for the great health benefits for my babies. Easy to use scoop and little lip on container to level.”

Read more a2 Platinum Premium Infant Formula Stage 1 reviews.

Aptamil Gold+ 1

a2 vs aptamil formula


  • Aptamil Gold+ Infant Formula is based on cow’s milk protein.
  • 60: 40 whey: casein ratio
  • 1.4 grams protein/100ml




As far as pricing goes this brand is cheaper. Some parents said in their reviews that Aptamil Gold+ 1 was gentle on bub’s tummy.


Some parents noticed a change in their baby’s poo – but many said it was fine. “Unfortunately, he became really constipated and gassy while on it after 2 weeks,” said one mum.

Example review

“My girls were fed this in the NICU, 6 weeks premature and exclusively Formula fed. We never had ANY issues with this formula and best of all Aptamil offer discounted formula to parents of multiples. We went on to use every stage until my girls were 1, again no issues what so ever!”

Read more Aptamil Gold+ 1 reviews.


a2 vs Aptamil formula? Choosing an infant formula is a personal choice. Every baby is different, so what works for one might not work for another. If you are unsure about which formula to try, speak with your GP or another healthcare professional.

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