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6 best baby cold remedies that could help your little one’s stuffy nose

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best baby cold remedies

Choosing the best baby cold remedies can make a difference when your baby is unwell. 

While there isn’t a cure for the common cold, there are some things you can do to help keep your baby comfortable – like using a humidifier or saline nasal drops. 

The Tell Me Baby community has rated the best baby cold remedies they’ve tried and shared their opinions on what has, or hasn’t, worked for them. Read all the baby cold remedy reviews or alternatively, we’ve got baby cold remedy comparisons.

As always, we recommend you take the advice of your GP or another health professional when choosing a baby cold remedy.

Here are six top baby cold remedies our community loves.

1. Flo Baby Saline Nasal Spray

TMB 2020 Awards - Highest Rated Baby Healthcare Product - Flo Baby Saline Nasal Spray

A popular choice by many of our Tell Me Baby parents, Flo Baby Saline Nasal Spray helps to clear a baby’s congested nose when they have a cold, and it’s free from preservatives, medication, alcohol, and buffering chemicals. Reviewers especially love the cleverly designed bottle, which makes it really easy to administer. One mum said: “There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your child suffer from a blocked nose. This is easy to use and makes breathing so much easier.”

Read Flo Baby Saline Nasal Spray reviews.

2. Flo Baby Saline Nasal Drops

Another great option. Flo Baby Saline Nasal Drops are the same formula as the spray but drops. One Tell Me Baby reviewer said one pump produced exactly one drop. Another said she chose the drops over the spray “purely because I didn’t feel 100% comfortable spraying up my bub’s nose, and she takes the drops really well.”

Read Flo Baby Saline Nasal Drops reviews.

3. Infants’ Friend Oral Liquid

Infants’ Friend Oral Liquid is a natural medicine that could help relieve wind and colic in babies, as well as restlessness and irritation when teething. One Tell Me Baby reviewer said: “This product was highly recommended to me by several people to help when babies aren’t settled. It is a nice alternative to your typical medications, and as it is more natural, I don’t feel as bad about giving it to my daughter.”

Read Infants’ Friend Oral Liquid reviews.

4. Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser

Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser may assist in relieving the symptoms of colds and flu, croup, bronchitis and hayfever, helping your little one breathe easier and sleep better. Tell Me Baby reviewers were pretty happy with this product, especially the safety function. “It has a safety function of automatically turning off when the water gets low which helped my decision making in buying,” said one parent.

Read Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser reviews.

5. Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer

Steam vaporiser vicks

Helping to clear the nasal passages and clear mucus associated with your baby’s cold symptoms, Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer is a “great” choice, according to many TMB parents. Others said the only downside is that it can be hard to clean. “We’ve had one of these for years for stubborn colds! Not only is it useful for us but also useful for baby. I remember growing up with one of these, and they are miracle workers,” said a reviewer.

Read Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer reviews. 

6. FESS® Little Noses Nasal Spray + Aspirator reviews

FESS® Little Noses Nasal Spray 15mL Bottle & Carton w/ Aspirator

FESS® Little Noses is a gentle saline solution that loosens and thins mucus to help clear a blocked nose, helping your baby to breathe a bit easier when they have a cold. It also comes with a nasal aspirator to gently remove excess mucus, which parents love! One mum said: “Great little bulb to help suck up any snot that is blocking bubs nose.” FESS Little Noses also comes in drops. 

Read FESS® Little Noses Nasal Spray + Aspirator reviews. 

If you are worried about your baby’s cold, always seek the advice of a medical professional. 

Have you tried any of these baby cole remedies? Don’t forget to leave a review on your favourite product to help our community of parents in our baby cold medicine category.

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