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Help! How do I survive the cluster feeds?

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When you start breastfeeding, you may have those moments (or hours) where your newborn fusses at night and wants to constantly feed over just a few hours. This is commonly known as cluster feeding and often happens during those early breastfeeding days. It can come as quite a surprise and leave you feeling drained and exhausted. However knowing what to expect and how to best prepare for those times can make a huge difference to your cluster feeding experience.

Have a game plan

Cluster feeding is very normal behaviour for your newborn. There is no particular reason for it happening. Some experts say baby is after more milk and the constant feeding may boost supply. Whatever it is, there’s not much you can do but go with it. According to midwife Tylah McConnell, it’s important to understand that milk production is highest between one and five in the morning, which is when cluster feeding often takes place. “We do always have to see this as the night shift,” she says. “So it’s not necessarily doing anything to baby or changing baby, but rather changing how we view this whole time.” For Tylah, this means being prepared for what is to come, just as you would with any night shift work. “I know when I was working night shifts, it’s definitely something I had a game plan for,” she says.

Early to bed

Cluster feeding during the night is tiring for and you might feel you can never catch up on those lost hours of shut-eye. Tylah strongly recommends that parents try to go to sleep a little earlier before those nights of feeding begin to keep those energy levels up. “Try and get to bed at 7pm to 8pm to get a three or four hour block before the cluster feeding has started,” she says. “And then you can get that next block after that feeding period.”

Have a good dinner

It may seem like a simple solution, but eating well before you go into that cluster feeding phase at night makes a huge difference. “The biggest thing is making sure that you’ve eaten beforehand, that you’ve had a nutritious meal, because you’ll be surprised how much that impacts your energy,” says Tylah. “I think with a new baby a lot of the times, especially breastfeeding women will forget to eat and then that’ll make them feel so tired and depleted.”

Calm baby down

One thing that can help with an unsettled baby at night is to create a peaceful evening routine by giving baby a bath and keeping everything nice and calm. “You can even play some music, give some skin to skin to really try and settle baby and show they’re safe, calm and relaxed,” says Tylah.

Find some friends

While you’re up all night during those cluster feeds, it can be reassuring to find others going through a similar experience so you know you’re not alone. “It can be really helpful to follow some sort of breastfeeding groups on Facebook, and Instagram and feel like you’re not the only one up all night with your baby,” says Tylah.

Have a good time

Another way to get through those night cluster feeds is to create an enjoyable environment for yourself, finding simple joys and pleasures within having to be awake. You might set out something to eat and a glass of water, or have things around you that make you feel good and relaxed such as aromatherapy, music playing, a book to read or podcasts ready to listen to. “Maybe you want to have a nice TV show to watch overnight when you’re doing the feeding or some music to listen to and some snacks and water nearby, everything set up so it’s a bit more of a pleasant experience,” says Tylah.

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