Best baby cough remedies

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In this best baby cough remedy comparison, you can find out what the Tell Me Baby community thinks are the top baby cough remedies on the market. (Read baby cough remedy reviews.)

Baby cough remedy comparison chart

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Product name
Review example

"So gentle on little ones."

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"So gentle on little ones."

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"I've been using this everytime my daughter gets a cold and it really helps her to get to sleep."

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"I've been using this everytime my daughter gets a cold and it really helps her to get to sleep."

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"I'm so so happy with it. Very easy to apply to baby's chest..."

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"I'm so so happy with it. Very easy to apply to baby's chest..."

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"It's very effective, smells great and isn't too overpowering."

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"It's very effective, smells great and isn't too overpowering."

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"It works really well and is fast and effective."

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"It works really well and is fast and effective."

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"The Medescan rainbow mist humidifier produces its vapour from ultrasound so there are no burns risks from hot water or steam."

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"The Medescan rainbow mist humidifier produces its vapour from ultrasound so there are no burns risks from hot water or steam."

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"This is one of our absolute favorite products!"

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"This is one of our absolute favorite products!"

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"We loveeeeeee this! When our household is sick this little legend runs day and night."

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"We loveeeeeee this! When our household is sick this little legend runs day and night."

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"When our son struggles to sleep we will add this to the vaporiser and it calms him down pretty much instantly."

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"When our son struggles to sleep we will add this to the vaporiser and it calms him down pretty much instantly."

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"A must for every household! We found nothing was helping our little one with congestion when she was sick!"

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"A must for every household! We found nothing was helping our little one with congestion when she was sick!"

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"It helps bub sleep, breathe easily, and with nasal symptoms, and because it is all natural you are able to use it in conjunction with ant..

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"It helps bub sleep, breathe easily, and with nasal symptoms, and because it is all natural you are able to use it in conjunction with ant..

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How to choose a baby cough remedy

If you are looking for the best baby cold remedies for your baby, use the above baby cold remedy comparison chart to search by:

Key baby cough remedy information

  • Brand
  • Product
  • Image
  • RRP
  • Star rating (from the Tell Me Baby community)
  • Number of reviews
  • An example of a recent review

When choosing a baby cough remedy, we recommend you take the advice of your GP or another health professional. 

About baby coughs

There are a few possible causes of coughs in babies. The most common being a respiratory tract infection, such as a cold. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne says on their website that “young children usually have six to 12 respiratory tract infections per year, usually caused by viruses.”

Cough symptoms

Not all cough symptoms are the same and they will vary depending on the cause of the cough. That said, the Raising Children Network says a cough that follows a cold will “typically be loose and sometimes produce mucus.”

This can happen when your child lies down, causing mucus can drip down the back of the nose and throat and into the windpipe.

Baby cough treatments

Similar to when your baby has a cold, there’s no cure for a cough that is caused by a virus.

“Antibiotics don’t help with coughs caused by viruses. Sometimes, children may cough for many weeks after a viral infection – this is called a post-viral cough and, again, antibiotics are usually no help,” says the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne website.

Although rare, sometimes a cough may be caused by a bacterial infection in the throat or chest. If this happens, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

If your baby has a fever, is in pain and over one-month-old, you can offer paracetamol. Make sure you read the label for the recommended dose. Ibuprofen can be given to children three months and over. Do not give children aspirin.

Read our best baby cough remedy article.

Saline drops and humidifiers

The Children’s Hospital Los Angeles website says a nasal aspirator might work to remove mucus and snot from the baby’s nose. While a cool-mist humidifier could help moisten airways to reduce the coughing caused by post-nasal drip. Read baby humidifier reviews and baby nasal spray reviews.

When to see a doctor for your baby’s cough

Always seek medical advice if you are worried about your baby. You know your baby better than anyone, so you know when something isn’t right. A doctor can then determine the cause of the cough.

If your baby has a high temperature, is struggling to breathe, or isn’t drinking fluids or has fewer wet nappies, then see your doctor.

Shop baby thermometers.

Caring for your baby

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than watching your baby cough and not being able to do anything to help. Unfortunately, the advice from the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne is that cough medicines “are not useful in treating cough in children.” They add that children over six can take cough medicine at the advice of a doctor.

Honey may help treat a cough in children over 12 months. Honey should not be given to children under 12 months.

Importantly, offer plenty of cuddles and extra fluids.

When choosing a baby cough remedy, we recommend you take the advice of your GP or another health professional.

Have you tried any of these baby cough remedies? Don’t forget to leave a review on your favourite product to help our community of parents in our health and safety reviews category.

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