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Family Health & safety

Why the first 1000 days are so important

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first 1000 days

Children grow and develop at different rates from birth to puberty, but it’s the first 1000 days that have the most significant impact on their development.  

Experts say the first 1000 days – the period between conception and age two – is when a child’s brain forms the foundations for learning, health and behaviour. It’s also when the brain is most susceptible to changes, which means parents have a unique opportunity to help their child develop and ultimately thrive. 

Here are five crucial things kids need in the first 1000 days.

Brought to you by Grass Fed Toddler Milk.

1. Good nutrition

As adults, we understand that food is our fuel, and it works the same for growing children. Establishing good nutritional foundations sets kids up for life – not to mention that healthy food gives them the nutrition they need for overall growth, immunity and development. If you’re worried about your fussy eating toddler not receiving adequate nutrients, Munchkin Grass Fed™ Formula Stage 3 is the only formula that uses milk from 100% grass fed cows with no GMO, growth hormones or antibiotics, or palm oil. The milk includes vitamins A, E, CLA, and beta carotene, and it has an ideal balance of essential fatty acids, making it ideal for a natural, better start.

Read Munchkin Grass Fed™ Formula Stage 3 reviews.

2. Love, love, love

It might sound like a no brainer, but feeling loved and developing strong, bonded relationships is vital for development. Through relationships with others – such as parents, grandparents, carers and extended family – children learn important communication, emotional and behavioural skills while interacting with those around them. Actions like responding to your baby’s cues help them learn that they are loved, safe and cared for. 

3. Feeling safe and secure 

The brain is an incredible organ – so much so that it will prioritise specific areas of development depending on how safe a baby feels. When children don’t feel safe, the brain focuses on neuronal pathways associated with survival, rather than learning and growth. When they feel safe and cared for, they can get on with developing other skills. But that’s not all – kids who feel safe have more confidence to explore their surroundings, which is a learning experience all on its own. 

4. Play

In the early years, play and development go hand in hand – it’s how children learn and discover the world around them. As they get older, providing opportunities for different types of play gives them the chance to explore, learn, watch and develop a range of skills. For a baby, even a simple game of peek-a-boo can have some huge rewards, such as stimulating senses, visual tracking, and building relationships, to name a few.

5. A healthy environment

The environment and toxins a child is exposed to can greatly affect development in the first 1000 days. Simple ways parents can reduce the number of toxins in their home include going green when you can (think about your choices of cleaning products, laundry detergents, etc), and ensuring chemicals are out of reach of children. 

Last but not least, don’t stress! All of this information can sound overwhelming at first, but if you trust your parenting instincts, you can’t go wrong.

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