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How to spend quality time with kids

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“How to Spend Quality time with Kids” by Katya Bowd.

Time… sometimes a friend, sometimes a foe. It can be earned, spent, and wasted; borrowed on occasions, but oftentimes taken for granted. However we want to deal with time, the truth of the matter is, once it’s gone, there is no turning and getting it back.

That may sound so melancholic, but isn’t it true? There is no denying how important time is, but then again, it’s not what we think of it or say about it that actually reveals its meaning in our lives. Things are more challenging for those who are committed to putting their family’s needs before anything else. There’s the need to allocate time for our partner, the kids, our career, household chores, close friends, as well as have a bit of time for ourselves. Family time, amongst everything else, should come first. However, there are some inevitable instances where we still tend to lose focus on spending a desired amount of time with them due to our busy schedules and frenzied lifestyles. (Yes, this is motherhood.)

Do you find yourself struggling to balance your time? You are not alone. Nonetheless, it pays well to pause, reassess, and be inspired to make time for the things that truly matter. “Make” – that means there’s some serious work to be done!

Ironically, putting our game face on and getting serious doesn’t mean losing all the fun. A lot of parents can attest to the fact that raising kids is more of an art than a definite set of scientific rules. The same thing goes about creating “quality time.” As parents, we need to plan out activities and create ways to involve our children in our daily activities without the need of that extra time slot.

“Children don’t need more things. The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor and plays with them.” – Bruce Perry.

Bruce Perry does make a huge point and we totally agree. Sometimes, we tend to forget that our children need us – mind, body, and soul – to simply BE with them. Toys and other material things can never suffice our time with our kids. It is our duty to nurture them and instill in them positive values that they will carry in the years to come.

How then can we make time in spite of our everyday challenges? This is when creativity comes in. Below are a few suggestions:

How to Spend Quality time with Kids

Get the kids involved

Kids are blessed with energy and enthusiasm we as adults sometimes lack, so why not make the most out of it? Maximize time and get your kids involved by letting them help you with small chores such as:

  • Putting their toys in their proper place.
  • Folding the clothes and doing their beds.
  • Helping you prepare dinner by chopping vegetables and fruits.
  • Laying out the table or sorting out their study desk.
  • Watering the plants. Plucking out the weeds in your garden.

Assign your kids age-appropriate chores, but make sure it’s enjoyable for them. An even better idea is to create something like a family clean-up game where siblings can compete to see who gets to do things the fastest. Do act silly! Make up your own family song that you can sing together, whether you’re in tune or not.

While doing so, you aren’t just spending time with your kids, you are – at the same time – teaching them valuable skills and good habits.


Have you ever noticed how our gadgets steal our time away from more important things? Sure, these are generally useful; but we do need to take time to “unplug.” Turn the TV off, your computer, and smartphone – better yet, turn the Wi-Fi off! Use that time to share a snack or eat dinner together. Or maybe do some gardening or clean and organise your pantry. Go for a long drive on a Saturday or make a quick trip to visit a friend. You don’t need an occasion as an excuse to do it. All you need is everyone’s cooperation and respect for the time set for the said activities. Take your mind off the outside world and just enjoy a good catching up session. Remember, the real world isn’t on your screen. It’s out there.


No matter how demanding our lives can get, it’s worth every bit and sweat of our efforts. Should there be a need to adjust our routines and reassess our priorities, then let’s do it! It won’t be easy and we should expect to bump into some setbacks along the way; but stay committed to finding time for happy and healthy activities such as:

  • Help kids with their homework.
  • Start a new hobby. Enjoy it together with your family.
  • Go camping or picnics. Take trips and visit places.
  • Visit the park. Walk, run, or bike together.
  • Bath, walk and play with your pet together. (If you have any)
  • Lie on the couch while listening to the music. Read books.
  • Have a family night game where you can do a roleplay of your kids’ favourite Disney characters or Superheroes.
  • Eat together as much as possible.

Time is, indeed, a very precious commodity and even though we are so willing to spend it with our loved ones, it takes real and conscious effort to prove that on our part.

May we strive to make choices that demonstrate what time means in our lives and make sure that we give our loved ones the best they deserve.

About the Author

Mumsy & Bub is an Australian-based community of mothers who aim to inspire and educate mothers about the ups and downs, and in-betweens of motherhood.

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How to Spend Quality time with Kids


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