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Aptamil gold vs Profutura baby formula: what’s the difference?

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Aptamil gold vs Profutura: what’s the difference? It’s a question many parents ask when trying to decide on a baby formula. 

Tell Me Baby parents have rated baby formulas they’ve tired and shared their opinions on what has or hasn’t worked for them. Based on their baby formula reviews, we’ve compared Aptamil Gold+ 1 and Aptamil Profutura 1 to help you make a better buying decision for your baby. 

You can also take a look at our baby formula comparisons to find out the most rated products.

This article contains information about infant formulas. Under the WHO Code, the information presented here is free from advertising and is based on unbiased opinions from parents.

Aptamil gold vs Profutura

When choosing newborn formula, protein should be top of mind. A cow’s milk-based formula is recommended for babies under 12 months unless they have a diagnosed milk allergy. 

There are two main types of protein found in cow’s milk based baby formula (and breastmilk): whey and casein. Whey digests quickly while casein is digested more slowly. Whey dominant formulas are easier for younger babies to digest. Want to know more? Read everything you need to know about choosing a newborn formula

Aptamil Gold+ 1

Aptamil gold vs Profutura


  • Aptamil Gold+ Infant Formula is based on cow’s milk protein.
  • 60: 40 whey: casein ratio
  • 1.4 grams protein/100ml

When can I use it? 

This product is designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to 6 months.


$24.99 for a 900g tin. 


Many parents said their babies took this formula without any issues. Aptimal’s strong focus on nutrition and research was also a plus. As well as tins, Aptamil Gold+ 1 is available in sachets, which some parents said was very handy for babies who drink formula occasionally. 

Aptamil Gold+ 1 is also the cheaper option of the two. 


On the other hand, some parents said Aptamil Gold+ 1 didn’t agree with their little ones. However, there are more positive reviews than negative ones. 

Example review

“I introduced this formula to my 2mo after a suggestion by a friend. He accepted it immediately and didn’t have any ‘side effects’ like extra gas, rash or colic. I moved to exclusively formula-fed at 3 months and this is the formula I trusted! Now, at 8mo I continue using this brand (for older kids).”

Read Aptamil Gold+ 1 reviews

Aptamil Profutura 1 

Aptamil gold vs Profutura


  • Aptamil Profutura 1 is designed to provide good quality nutrition to bottle-fed or mixed-fed infants. It also supports the infant’s immune system and cognitive function.
  • whey: casein 60:40
  • 1.4 grams protein / 100mls

When can I use it? 

This product is designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to 6 months.


$36.00 for a 900g tin. 


Some parents in the Tell Me Baby community said this formula worked a treat for their babies – it was gentle on the stomach and didn’t cause any other problems. 


Other reviews said their baby didn’t take to this formula. Another con was the price, but many said it was worth it. Some said Aptamil Profutura 1 was difficult to find in shops. 

Example review

“I LOVE this formula. I brought my own to the hospital as I wanted the best formula (Aptamil) from the get go. And I emailed Nutricias nurses to find out the difference between this and their pronutra and chose this due to being closest to breastmilk. Easy to make and baby feeds so easily and keeps it down. So happy with my choice. Just make a few bottles in the morning to last the day and I’m good to go!”

Read Aptamil Profutura 1 reviews


Aptamil gold vs Profutura? As parents will hear time and time again, what works for one child, won’t necessarily work for another. Both Aptamil Gold and Profutura have been highly rated by other parents in the Tell Me Baby community. We recommend that you talk to your doctor to help make the right decision for you.

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